From September 2023: £2.70 for KS2 and free to Reception and KS1 through the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. Meals should be ordered and paid for in advance through ParentPay.
STAR EATS Catering Service
By bringing our catering in-house, we can better involve parents, young people and staff in developing our menus; we can choose where we source our food supplies; and we can better integrate food education and cooking into our curriculum.
We are excited to welcome Stephen Harper, our newly appointed Executive Chef, who will spearhead this unique initiative which we are confident will significantly improve the quality of school meals across our Trust.
Find us on Instagram @starmateats
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why have you decided to take the catering in-house?
We believe we can provide a better quality service which will allow us to provide a more varied, nutritional menu to our children, as well as to engage them more in what they are eating and how the meals are made.
What are our hopes for this service?
Over time we want to develop a whole new vision for STAR EATS, consulting with children and families to develop exciting new menus, launching an online brand and image which will be attractive to all. Of course we intend to spend very little on ‘glitz’ versus quality product and getting our menus right! It will take a little time for us to develop our service and we will be working with you to get it right so please do share your thoughts and ideas along the way at
Why have the prices gone up?
The increase in the price of each meal reflects an increase in costs for produce, as well as staffing costs. We have kept this as increase as low as possible. We appreciate that price increases are never welcome; however we believe that the quality of food and the wider educational value that the children will receive as a result of the Star Eats catering service will demonstrate good value for money.
Why didn’t you stay with the former supplier if it was cheaper?
The cost of the catering provided by NYCC was also due to increase in line with inflation in September. We wanted to create a whole new vision for our meals more in line with our own school communities.
What if my child has a special dietary need?
We will continue to collect this information in the same way and ensure that all dietary requirements are met. Please continue to talk to your school based staff and we will ensure all special requirements are met.
How will we ensure Compliance and Food Standards are met?
We will be registering as a new business with Environmental Health and our consultancy firm will ensure that all Health & Safety legislation is met.
Free School Meals
Applying for a free school meal is now much easier! All applications are now made online. In just a few simple steps you'll receive a decision on whether your application has been successful. Don't miss out on £450 of free school meals - apply today at