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The Governors play a very important role in the running of Kirk Fenton CE Primary School, supporting the Headteacher and all of the staff.

Within the STAR Multi Academy Trust, each Academy has a Local Governing Board (LGB) that supports the work of the Trust and the Academy. It has certain delegated authority to oversee the running of the school under the Scheme of Delegation as defined by the Trust Board of the STAR Multi-Academy Trust. The Register of Business Interests is available via the Trust Board website.

Click here for the STAR MAT website

Minutes of the LGB for each school are available on request from the School Office or

Who are we

Mel Walmsley


Catherine Charlesworth

Chair of Governors

Alison Davey

Vice Chair / Trust Appointed Governor

Helen Darnton

Staff Governor

Nina Wrightson

Trust Appointed Governor

Lara Thornton

Trust Appointed Governor

Reverend Paulie Watkin

Ex Officio Governor

Eleanor Edwards

Parent Governor

Mark Gibson

Parent Governor 

What do we do

Governors form an integral part of school life. We are a team of volunteers from all walks of life, with different skills and talents who help define the aims and aspirations of the school. We act as a critical friend and determine the strategic direction of Kirk Fenton School. This is done in close consultation with the headteacher and with all members of staff.

Kirk Fenton is a Church of England voluntary controlled school. This means that the Diocese of York owns the site but the landlord is the local authority, North Yorkshire. North Yorkshire give us the money to operate the school and are responsible for, in consultation with us, admitting pupils to Kirk Fenton School.

The Diocese and the Local Authority, as they have an interest in the development of Kirk Fenton School, nominate governors onto our governing body.

Types of Governor

Our Instrument of Government determines the number of governors Kirk Fenton School

  • Foundation governors are appointed by the Archdeacon of York and are usually chosen from the people within the parish of Church Fenton and Ulleskelf, the two main communities which Kirk Fenton School serves. One Foundation governor can sometimes be the vicar and carries an ex-officio title. The Foundation governors help to guide and develop the Christian ethos throughout the school.
  • Staff governors including the Headteacher running a school involves collecting the views of all parties involved. Staff governors are elected from members of the staffing body and represent their thoughts.
  • Parent governors, are elected by the parents of children at Kirk Fenton School.
  • Trust appointed governors are appointed by the STAR MAT

Each governor serves a 4 year term. Some governors, e.g. Foundation governors can agree to stand on, if they wish, when their term finishes. Other governors e.g. Parent governors have to be re-elected should they wish to continue. The Chair and vice-Chair of governors are elected from anyone within the team and serve a 2 year term. They can be re-elected if they wish to continue.

Our Role

All governors share the same responsibilities for the school, first and foremost to provide the best possible environment for children's learning and development. To fulfil these responsibilities, the governors meet regularly.

All the governors have a full meeting together, twice every half term. Regular items on this agenda include head-teacher report, policy review, school development planning and progress, update on the school priorities and self-evaluation.

Governors regularly visit the school to see staff and pupils, to monitor whether policies and aims are being implemented, to act as a critical friend and a different pairs of eyes, offering a new perspective.

We also regularly attend parents' evenings to find out how things are going and what we can improve further. Only by gathering the views of many, can we make an informed and well-founded judgement of the school.

The ultimate aim of all the governors is to help make Kirk Fenton School the best it can be for all our pupils and staff. We would like our pupils to leave Kirk Fenton, as they go onto secondary school, as well-rounded children, who have enjoyed their learning experiences and have the building blocks to allow further learning throughout life.

Contact Details

We are always keen to hear views so please feel free to contact us via the school office on 01937 557228.

If you need to contact Catherine Charlesworth, our Chair of Governors, please email or call 01937 557228.