Approval for term-time absence
The headteacher will only grant a leave of absence to pupils during term time if they consider there to be 'exceptional circumstances'. A leave of absence is granted at the headteacher’s discretion and if a leave of absence is granted, it is for the headteacher to determine the length of the time the pupil can be away from school. As head teachers should only grant leaves of absence in exceptional circumstances it is unlikely a leave of absence will be granted for the
purposes of a family holiday.
The STAR MAT Term Time Leave of Absence Policy states that ‘exceptional circumstances could include (evidence would be required in each case):
● Service personnel returning from a tour of duty abroad where it is evidenced that the individual would not be in receipt of any leave in the near future that coincides with school holidays.
● Where an absence from school is recommended by a health professional as part of a parent or child’s rehabilitation from a medical or emotional issue.
● The death or terminal illness of a close family member.
● To attend the wedding or funeral of a close family member
● Other out of the ordinary, life changing or future career influencing events that affect the individual pupil in question or a close family member (such events to be decided upon at the discretion of the headteacher). It is expected that the Headteacher will require evidence to substantiate applications of this nature.
The school considers each application for term-time absence individually, taking into account the specific facts, circumstances and relevant context behind the request. As head teachers should only grant leaves of absence in exceptional circumstances it is unlikely a leave of absence will be granted for the purposes of a family holiday.
Valid reasons for authorised absence include:
● Illness and medical/dental appointments
● Religious observance – where the day is exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which the pupil’s parents belong. If necessary, the school will seek advice from the parents’ religious body to confirm whether the day is set apart
- Traveller pupils travelling for occupational purposes – this covers Roma, English and Welsh Gypsies, Irish and Scottish Travellers, Showmen (fairground people) and Circus people, Bargees (occupational boat dwellers) and New Travellers. Absence may be authorised only when a Traveller family is known to be travelling for occupational purposes and has agreed this with the school but it is not known whether the pupil is attending educational provision
● A temporary, time-limited part-time timetable: where the pupil is of compulsory school age, both the parent who the pupil normally lives with and school agree the pupil should temporarily be educated on a part-time basis for exceptional reasons and have agreed the times and dates when the pupil will be expected to attend school as part of that timetable.